Racial Harmony, Understanding, & Tolerance – Individuals, Parents, & Families

“Coming Together In Harmony”

“Racial Harmony, Understanding, & Tolerance”


Parents & Families

ATTENTION! If you believe we all, of every ethnic group, can and should embrace the enhancement of race relations, this will be the most important letter you will ever read.

Unfortunately, in today’s world, for far too many, racial division, xenophobia, intolerance, disrespect, narcissism, and hate are ugly roads many seek to travel.

Where Did the Hate Come From?

I was raised as a child, teen, and young adult in Jonesboro, AK, and Kansas City, MO in the 40s, 50s, and early 60s.  At that time overt and mandated racial segregation and discrimination were the norms. (Racial Bullying) Those experiences were emotionally confusing, hurtful, demeaning, and degrading. Initially, hate was in my heart toward those who, without provocation on my part, chose to treat me and those of my ethnicity, as less than human.


My life changed for the better when an elderly Black man in the neighborhood, one day pulled me aside and instilled profound advice that touched my heart, mind, and soul.  I was nineteen years old.

Paraphrasing the elderly gentleman:

  • Hate has never proven to be the outcome resulting in the truth.
  • Extinguish your hate permanently, otherwise you will never become and know the true person you were placed on this Earth to really be.
  • A person will never live an enriched life carrying hate in their heart. Unfortunately, those that hate throughout their lifetime, will die never knowing this.

  • Over the years, I longed to do something impactful and positive regarding racial harmony.
  • I have been blessed with the talent to write WORDS that stir emotions, create self-reflection, open closed minds, instill peace, harmony, and love.
  • The words, sincerity, and passion of that elderly gentleman, more than a half-century ago, had a positive effect on my life then, and still does today.  I passionately believe my words can do the same for humankind, today and for generations to come.

Here I am teaching the staff of Manhattan Beach, CA’s Parks & Recreation Department my “Bullies Be Gone! Project” program to pass on to the children they will be supervising during the Summer.

The following are central themes taken from articles highlighting the seriousness of Bullying in any form:

“Bullies and Later Substance Abuse” Rachel Y. Moon, MD, Associate Editor,

Digital Media, Pediatrics

  • Those who were bully perpetrators during childhood or adolescence were more likely to use drugs, alcohol, and tobacco in adulthood.
  • Depending on the substance, the odds of substance use were 40-70% higher.
  • Those who were bully perpetrator-victims during childhood or adolescence were also 50% more likely to use drugs, alcohol, and tobacco in adulthood.

“Victims of Bullying Carrying Weapons to School” 

Journal for the American Academy of Pediatrics

Article Highlights

  • When surveyed, 20.2% of students reported being Victims of Bullying in the past year, and 4.1% reported carrying a weapon to school in the past month.
  • Victims of Bullying experiencing 1, 2, or 3 additional risk factors were successively more likely to carry weapons to school.
  • The subset of Victims of Bullying who experienced all 3 additional adverse experiences was more likely to carry weapons to school compared with nonvictims (46.4% vs 2.5%).
  • Pediatricians and other responsible adults should recognize more than one form of possible Bullying affecting children and teens.
  • Victims, especially those who have experienced 1 or more indicators of peer aggression are at substantially increased risk of weapon carrying.

“Suicide is the second-leading cause of death for adolescents, ages 15-19 years old”

AAP News & Journals

Three most contributing factors are:

  • Learning of another’s suicide around the same age
  • Pathologic Internet use and related online issues, including Cyberbullying
  • Lack of treatment with antidepressant medication when indicated and recommended

“Reports on Bullying and Harassment of Asian-American Students” – CBS News

  • Asian American students and families continue to experience targeted teasing, harassing, and bullying directly related to the Coronavirus.
  • Bullying incidents and violence against Asians have risen 149% since the Coronavirus.
  • Asian Americans feel their safety concerns caused by the recent uptake in hate against them, are not taken seriously enough by school administrators and politicians.

“Anti-bullying training should be year-round in schools”

Editorial – Cochrane Today News

  • Anti-bullying and Social Skills MUST be taught as a year-round curriculum in schools just as academic subjects are taught to effectively eliminate and prevent Bullying with sustainability.
  • Currently, anti-bullying programs in schools are ONLY 25% Effective
  • Innovative, creative, critical thinking, critical discussion, and student involvement anti-bullying programs must be the norm to effectively eliminate and prevent bullying.

In light of what I have disclosed above, I decided to create an impactful, revealing, meaningful, and necessary book for the purpose of playing a vital role in enhancing racial harmony, understanding, and tolerance.  Racial Bullying is one of the various forms of Bullying.

  • “Coming Together in Harmony” is an Audiobook of 77 original poignant poems and original music.
  • There are wonderful messages of racial harmony, understanding, and tolerance in each poem.
  • I want to convey these messages to the young, old, and in between who may be having difficulties with negative thoughts or actions regarding specific ethnic groups.
  • These difficulties on far too many occasions have led and continue to lead to unfair treatment, exclusion, vitriolic name-calling, disrespect, and needless violence.
  • This negative intolerable and hateful mindset must cease and can with effective and innovative sustainable anti-bullying and diversity training.

The ideal starting point is with admitting the problem exists, discussing it, and implementing positive mindset training.  

These areas of concern, highlight the reasons why I decided to create

“Coming Together in Harmony.”

Hands of Many Colors, Uniting with Hands of Many Colors

 How to Use the Poems for training purposes as a

Parent, Family, or Individual

  • Poems can be used as effective racial harmony, understanding, and tolerance learning tools.
  • Critical thinking, critical discussion, creativity, comprehension, interpretation, and vocabulary building are several of the important outcomes that will be derived from the book.
  • “Coming Together in Harmony” is ideal for schools, homes, Individuals, & families.


  • Skits and vignettes can be acted out for added realism, fun, and understanding for the purpose of bringing about positive racial harmony.


Manhattan Beach, CA Recreation Dept. Staff participants were asked to candidly rate my Bullies Be Gone! Project training on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being best, and give a comment. 

The following are the actual results:

Tajan, age 22 – rating scale score = 10 – I think this training was excellent for both staff and the children.  This could/does help our own self-esteem as well as help us help the children.  Thank you!

Jesus, age 21 – rating scale score = 9 – Body language is very important.  I didn’t know much about what body language meant.  Now I know and I feel like I learned more even though it was my second time taking the training.  Would like to hear and learn more from you, Al Johnson.

Kailey, age 21 – rating scale score = 10 – I learned a lot.  I am now going to start to be more aware and start walking like I own the street.  THANK YOU!


  • Accompanying the audiobook is a soft-bound book and workbook for classroom teachers, youth leaders, corporations, police agencies, and parents to enhance the learning process with interactive participation.
  • Every poem carries a unique and poignant emotional message that will be easily understood by the reader, although a specific ethnic group IS NOT highlighted in any of the poems.

       Humankind, Now and Ever After

  • The future of our great nation lies with the youth of today.
  • Humankind must do all it can to stem the tide of racial disharmony, lack of understanding, hate, and intolerance.
  • To not do, does not bode well for harmony among the multitudes of ethnic groups occupying this Earth.
  • Coming Together in Harmony can be an amazingly effective and productive learning tool for the enhancement of race relations.
  • The only requirement to make this positive outcome happen is humankind from its heart, must willingly participate.

Differences in opinions among people will always exist and can be a healthy source of learning for those that differ if we truly listen to each other with an open mind.  But when differences lead to name-calling, threats, dislike, hate, intolerance, narcissism, and violence, nothing constructive can ever take place between those that differ.

“If hate prevails, we all lose!”

Get your copy of the Audiobook & Training Workbook “Coming Together in Harmony”


Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your Racial Harmony, Understanding, & Tolerance Awareness Skills

Add to Cart – Click the link below for your personal copy of “Coming Together in Harmony” Audiobook & Workbook

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If listening to and absorbing the poems’ messages in “Coming Together in Harmony” for 30 days from purchase, DOES NOT enhance your racial awareness and understanding in ways you may never have thought of, your money will be fully refunded!

In addition to the “Coming Together in Harmony” Audiobook, to sweeten the deal, I am throwing in the following Bonuses:

Bonus 1 – “Magnificent Nine” Digital Poetry book (A $12.97 value)

This E-book has 9 powerful original poems for children and teens to inspire, motivate, and teach.  Poem titles are:  Awareness, Drugs, The Latchkey Kid, Secrets Not to Keep, Staying in Shape, The Bully, The Gang, Weapons, & You Are Who You Are.

Bonus 2 –“Bullies Be Gone! Project” Music, Hip Hop & Pop Versions, Mp3s (A $3.97 value)

The lyrics and melodies send powerful messages of self-empowerment for victims and potential victims of bullying and send changing-your-mindset messages to bullies, strongly encouraging them to cease their inappropriate behavior.

Testimonials (unedited)

This class was a great experience for myself.  It made me feel very confident and much more aware of the things around me.  Now, I know some self-defense and anti-bully skills, so if I really do get bullied, captured, or kidnapped, I will know what to do.  I don’t think that anything in the class was bad.  I want to tell Al Johnson that I have learned something that will keep me safe for the rest of my life! Thanks!  Melissa, Age 12

I liked how now I can always know what to do in a situation.  Now, I feel safe walking to school, doing things in public, and just talking to my friends.  I was afraid at first about some things but, once I learned how to do it, it wasn’t scary anymore.  I really liked that we refreshed our memory after every activity.  I also like how you never said anything you thought would frighten us.   Lauren, Age 10

I lurened how to be safe.  I did not feel safe entill I had this classAlexis, Age 8 (unedited)

Testimonial Letter

It is with pleasure and great enthusiasm that I write this Testimonial for Mr. Al Johnson. I have known and worked with Mr. Johnson on numerous projects for over 31 years evolving around the vital issue of Building youth self-esteem, safety for youth and community members, Martial Arts-Self-Defense Classes and workshops, Stranger Danger Project and most recently the Bullies Be Gone! Project.

Mr. Johnson is renowned for his ability to positively connect with persons of all ages. I have witnessed this firsthand in many settings from workshops with California Park and Recreation Society, Local Schools, Staff Trainings, Children and Adult Classes, etc. Mr. Johnson truly puts his passion for sharing his Knowledge and Skill into practice in his captivating work that engages participants on many levels of learning.

It is truly an honor and a privilege to work with Mr. Al Johnson, on all issues impacting the wellbeing of the community. 7-3-2017 Idris Jassim Al-Oboudi, 1986 to Feb-2017 Supervisor, Manager, and Acting Director of The City of Manhattan Beach Parks and Recreation Department Currently City of Carson Director of Community Services / Parks and Recreation

Idris Jassim Al-Oboudi City of Carson, CA, Director of Community Services / Parks and Recreation

http://recreation.carson.ca.us Executive Director of the Carson Community Services


Get Your Copy Now! 

No matter your ethnicity, the poignant WORDS in “Coming Together in Harmony,” whether young, old, or in between, will enhance your Racial Harmony, Understanding, & Tolerance in possibly previously unaware ways.

Protect your Child/Children from Racial Bullying with effective, powerful, and unique WORDS that change the Mindset and Self-Empower:

Only 15.99 – For Families, Parents, & Individuals – Plus 2 Free Bonuses 

Add to Cart – Click this link for your personal copy of the “Coming Together in Harmony” Audio Book

Enjoy the Journey!